
This Week’s $74 Kroger Shopping Trip (+ our menu plan)

This Week's $74 Kroger Shopping Trip (+ our menu plan)

Published: by Crystal Paine on September 3, 2022  |  This post may contain affiliate links. Read my disclosure policy here.

I spent $62 on groceries at Kroger last week, so I had $8 extra to spend on groceries this week.

If you’re new here, I practice the Buy Ahead Principle — which means that what we buy each week is often for future weeks. We stock up on the best deals and markdowns each week and that means that we then have a variety of items from previous shopping trips to use to plan a menu from.

With the increase in grocery prices, I’ve decided to raise our grocery budget because I’ve not been having enough wiggle room to stock up like I’d want to. So starting next week, I’ll be raising it to $100/week.

In addition to practicing the Buy Ahead Principle, I Reverse Meal Plan. This means that I plan based upon what we have on hand plus what good sales/markdowns I found at the stores. (Read more about Reverse Meal-Planning here.)

{Follow me on Instagram stories for real-time videos on what I’m buying if you don’t want to have to wait for me to get the post written up for the blog!}

I was excited about the $0.99 cantaloupe deal + the $0.99 Mios. I thought the kids might like the Mios, so I bought three different kinds. Unfortunately, they were not fans! At least they were just $0.99 each!

Kierstyn has been going with me grocery shopping recently. She’s such a big helper and she loves our one-on-one grocery dates together!

My total for all the groceries was about $74!

Cheese was on sale for just $1.49 for the slices, blocks, and shredded cheese with the Kroger digital coupon. (I buy the bags of shredded cheese and stick them in the freezer.)

Each of these bags of produce was marked down to $0.99 each.

I got the 16-bean soup mix for just $1.29. I’m thinking to add one of the packages of sausage to it for soup this week.

I got some good meat markdowns this week, too! The Hillshire Farm sausage is just $2.49 each with the Kroger digital coupon, the Kroger ice cream is just $1.99 each with the digital coupon, and the Waterloo is $2.49 each with the Kroger digital coupon.

The Kroger italian sausage, meatballs, and brats are $2.99 each with the Kroger digital coupon. I like to buy the ground sausage to use in lasagna casserole, ziti, etc.

Our Menu Plan for This Week

Breakfasts — Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins, Bacon/Fruit, Banana/PB/greens smoothie, Eggs/Fruit, Blueberry/Banana Smoothie, Banana Bread

Lunches (the older kids have lunch at school) — veggies, fruit, crackers, leftovers, yogurt, PB&J, salad/toast, mac & cheese, chips

Snacks — Banana Bread, crackers, popcorn, fruit, Frozen Pizza, chips, Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins

Dinners (we usually have fruit/veggies on the side) — Sausage/Potatoes/Carrots, Roast Beef/Provolone Sandwiches, Nathan’s Beef Hot Dogs, Frozen Pizza, Snack-y Dinner (away football game), Dinner Out, 16-Bean Soup with Sausage


The post This Week’s $74 Kroger Shopping Trip (+ our menu plan) appeared first on AzFa.


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